Sample Booklet


The Family History of the Dennigans of Tomiskey was created as a present for the author's uncle, Tony Dennigan. The subject lent itself to the writing of a History. Tony's cousins from Cork and England had made major strides in discovering much of their shared origins, but their researches had yielded most results from the period from around 1880 onwards, and had concentrated on the Cork and England based branches of the family. That said, there was sufficient indicative material to make it the investigation of the earlier roots of the family feasible.

The booklet covers in as much detail as could be found the earlier generations of this family, though excluding the bulk of the material already found by Tony Dennigan's cousins. In effect, it was possible to investigate some four generations of Dennigans, speculate at least on the origins of the family, and also to look at the some of the story of the Clynes, who as can be seen from the online version of this document, were responsible for the eventual movement of the Dennigans from the parish of Killashee to Tomiskey.

The booklet itself consisted of some 60 A4 pages, including covers and Contents pages. While the actual content, converted for Browsing, can be seen in the Navigation section, the PDF Version button below will bring the reader to a version of the actual booklet. The only difference is that, for copyright and privacy reasons, many of the copy documents illustrating the history have been blanked out.

In order to produce a booklet with pictures on the front and back, a wire-binding was chosen. However, a more formal, if less colourful, option of hard-cover binding is also available. Both forms of binding can be seen by clicking the Binding button below.

Also note that this booklet was produced with printing on both sides of each page. It was designed to have the narrative text on the left-hand page, and illustrations on the right. To utilise space most effectively, the illustrations do not necessarily refer to the text on the adjoining page, and this should be borne in mind if reading the online version.

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